Come and Visit Us
Step 1: When Do I Go?
If you’ve never visited an Orthodox Church, the best service to attend is the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. The Divine Liturgy is the heart of the life of the Church. Read more about Divine Liturgy.
After Divine Liturgy on Sundays, we have coffee hour fellowship, which is a chance to meet our priest, members of the parish, and get some of your questions answered.
If Sunday morning doesn’t work for you, we have the Divine Liturgy other times throughout the week, as well as other services where you can visit and experience our ancient faith.
View Full Calendar of Services
Step 2: Where Do I Go?
Step 3: What To Expect
Are Non-Orthodox Visitors Welcome?
Yes! Many of our parishioners are converts to the Orthodox Faith, coming from a variety of other Christian confessions and backgrounds.
Our parish priest will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have following your visit.
How Long are Services?
Divine Liturgy on Sundays is typically an hour and a half.
Other services (Great Vespers, Orthros, Paraklesis, etc.) are about an hour.
Can I Bring my Children?
Yes! Orthodox families worship together (we don’t have separate children’s services). We do have a nursery/cry room upstairs above the Narthex for those times when kids get fussy, but we encourage you to bring them back in after they calm down so they can experience and participate in the rest of the service.
Is There a Dress Code?
There is no specific dress code, but men and women typically dress modestly and respectfully, since they are present before the Living God. Traditionally this has meant dress pants for men and dresses or skirts that fall below the knee for women. Shorts, mini-skirts, and revealing clothing should be avoided. Hats should be removed when entering into the church. Some Orthodox women have a custom of wearing head scarves, but it’s not required.
What Language Are Services In?
We use English and some Biblical/Liturgical Greek (the original language the service was written in). We have Liturgy books in the pews to help you follow along.
Should I Stand or Sit?
The traditional posture for prayer is to stand, but we have pews for you to sit as the need arises. We typically stand during important parts of the service (Gospel reading, Small and Great Entrances, the distribution of Holy Communion, and whenever the priest gives a blessing). Feel free to follow the rest of the congregation.
Lighting Candles
We light candles as we pray, typically as we prepare ourselves to enter into the Nave (the main worship space) of the church. The light reminds us of Christ who is the "Light of the World". We try to avoid lighting candles during the important parts of the service: the readings, the entrances, and during the sermon. Visitors who are not Orthodox are welcome to light a candle and say a prayer.
Venerating Icons
Veneration icons, like lighting candles, is an important part of our worship and piety. Icons are pictorial representations of scenes from the life of Jesus Christ, the life of the Church, and of holy people (the saints). Icons are present in every Orthodox church and have been used for prayer since the first centuries of Christianity.
When we enter a church, we typically venerate icons with a kiss, not in worship, but in veneration for what is depicted in the image. This kiss is like one you would offer a loved one or respected elder. Venerating icons is not required if you don’t feel comfortable yet, but you are welcome to do so if you wish. Note that women should remove lipstick before venerating icons.
Can Non-Orthodox Receive Holy Eucharist?
The sacrament of Holy Communion (Eucharist) is reserved for prepared Orthodox Christians in good standing with the Church. Preparation includes fasting and confession if necessary.
We understand the Holy Eucharist to be the Mystery of the real presence of Christ, not simply as a memorial or merely in a spiritual sense. Out of respect for our ancient apostolic tradition, we humbly ask that those who have not yet been received into the Orthodox Faith remain in their place during the distribution of Holy Communion. Visitors are welcome to come forward at the end of the service to receive the Blessed Bread (Antidoron).
Still Have More Questions?
If you are not yet ready to visit or have more questions, feel free to reach out to us below and our clergy and staff will connect with you.